

Ed is a passionate voice for the families and future of Massachusetts. From standing up for the middle class, to fighting the special interests, to creating jobs in the innovation economy, Ed always puts Massachusetts first.

Ed has authored and passed numerous bills, working in a bipartisan manner to improve the lives of the people in his district, Massachusetts and the nation. Described in the Almanac of American Politics as “one of the House’s most legislatively productive and creative members,” and by Politics in America as “a power player on climate change,” Ed has been a successful and productive legislator on a wide range of issues including national energy policy, the environment, promoting an economy that creates jobs in innovative telecommunications and clean energy industries, and consumer protection.

Because Ed represents both blue-collar towns like the one he grew up in, as well as high-tech areas, symbolized by the campuses of Harvard and M.I.T., he knows there are many ways to create jobs and provide opportunity for working families.


Addressing climate change is a generational challenge, and Ed has been the Congressional leader promoting solutions and urgent action to address the carbon pollution warming our planet. As Senator, Ed will bring a green agenda to the Senate by advancing legislation on climate change, clean energy, and clean-tech jobs. More »


The first in his family to go to college, Ed knows our education system is what makes our country strong. That’s why he has fought in Congress to give our children the best education possible. Ed believes we should reward schools, administrators and teachers who develop innovative and effective teaching methods. That’s why he supports […] More »

Environment and Energy

Ed Markey is passionate about revolutionizing our country’s energy policies to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and pave the way more clean energy jobs here at home. Ed has always believed that America must lead in the development of clean energy technologies or we risk losing our advantage to countries like Germany and China. Ed has fought to protect federal policies that enhance clean energy, which have helped bring more than 70,000 jobs to Massachusetts. More »


Ed believes a strong health care system is the foundation for a robust economy. He has fought to protect and strengthen Medicare and Medicaid so that the most vulnerable in society can access benefits. Ed’s a fierce advocate for medical research and promoting the healthcare technologies that are central to the Massachusetts and national economies. Ed believes that ensuring that all people in our state and nation have access to affordable quality health care reflects the character of our country.
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What unites us in the Massachusetts and across America is the unshakable belief that no matter where you come from, no matter your circumstances, you can achieve the American Dream.

The immigration system we have now doesn’t reflect those values – it hurts our economy and hurts our national security. More »

Jobs and Economy

Our country has come a long way since the Bush-era recession that sent our economy to the brink of collapse. But we still have progress to make. Ed believes we can build on the gains President Obama and Democrats in Congress have made to jump start our economy by investing in our innovation economy to create the jobs of today in the industries of the future. More »


Ed is a strong and passionate voice for Massachusetts workers and their families.

He will stand against Republican attempts to strip workers of their rights to organize and collectively bargain. He will fight to raise the minimum wage, expand benefits, such as healthcare to workers, and increase workplace safety. For his efforts fighting for workers, Ed has been endorsed by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the Association of Federal, State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA), and the American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts (AFT). More »


Ed Markey is an unwavering supporter of equal rights, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. He has actively fought for marriage equality and worked to end discrimination against the LGBT community. Ed has a 100 percent rating from the Human Rights Campaign and was endorsed by MassEquality because he will be a strong voice for equality in the Senate. More »

National Security & Safety at Home

Ed believes that security through diplomacy will best strengthen the foundation for American leadership abroad.

In the Senate, Ed will continue his commitment to ensuring the safety of all families in Massachusetts in their homes, communities and throughout the nation. More »

Safety and Security

Ed has spent his career making the people of Massachusetts and the nation safer and more secure. He is a staunch advocate for gun control and reducing gun violence and has supported commonsense gun reforms that preserve the Second Amendment and protect our children, our parents, and our friends. In 1994, Ed identified a deadly loophole enabling cheap Chinese semi-automatic assault weapons to flood into the U.S. He urged President Clinton to place an emergency moratorium on the importation of these military style assault weapons from China, including the SKS, MAK-90 and other similar weapons. More »


Ed is committed to our seniors — that means protecting Social Security and Medicare and ensuring that every senior can retire with dignity and respect. More »


Ed is committed to honoring the sacrifices of our veterans and ensuring we do everything possible as a nation to support them when they return from service More »

Women’s Issues

Ed is a passionate supporter of women’s rights and has a strong record of promoting gender equality in our country. In the Senate, Ed Markey stands up for women’s rights, especially when extremist Tea Party Republicans threaten to dismantle a woman’s access to affordable health coverage and preventive health services. He works so that women […] More »

Learn More about where Ed Stands